Providing real estate and development tools for Northern Kentucky.
NKY Port Projects
OneNKY Center
Commonwealth Center for Biomedical Excellence
The Ormsby
Niagara Bottling
Purple People Bridge
NKY Port Authority Board of Directors
The NKY Port is a multi-jurisdictional Port Authority under Kentucky statute which allows each Judge/Executive and Fiscal Court of Boone, Kenton, and Campbell counties, as founders of the organization, to appoint two board members to serve four-year terms.
In The News
Project manager selected for $125M joint UK-NKU facility in Covington
The Northern Kentucky Port Authority and Kenton County have chosen [...]
BE NKY Growth Partnership and NKY Port Authority Boards of Directors Approve Funding for Purple People Bridge Repairs
Funds Match those Provided by City of Newport FORT MITCHELL, [...]
NKY Port, Kenton County seek project manager for Commonwealth Center
The Northern Kentucky Port Authority and Kenton County are seeking [...]
Blue North seeking RFPs for SparkHaus Website Design and Cafe Partner
The RFP period is closed. Blue North, the Kentucky Innovation [...]